
Esplora Client

Esplora Client + Esplora API Esplora.Client has no control over any development or changes that Blockstream/Esplora publishes / deploys.NOTE: Using this tool will operate on your production data. Esplora.Client provides methods for their exposed endpoints

Esplora Client

Esplora Client + Esplora API Esplora.Client has no control over any development or changes that Blockstream/Esplora publishes / deploys.NOTE: Using

Monday Client.v2

Monday Client.v2 + Monday GraphQL API Monday.Client.v2 has no control over any development or changes that monday.com publishes / deploys.NOTE:

Utility: Click Once Selector

Utility + Click Once Selector This utility is useful for executables onlyTurn off the option Use ".deploy" file extension The

Esplora Client

Esplora Client + Esplora API Esplora.Client has no control over any development or changes that Blockstream/Esplora publishes / deploys.NOTE: Using this tool will operate on your production data. Esplora.Client provides methods for their exposed endpoints for ease of use. TECHNOLOGY .NET Standard Framework

Monday Client.v2

Monday Client.v2 + Monday GraphQL API Monday.Client.v2 has no control over any development or changes that monday.com publishes / deploys.NOTE: Using this tool will operate on your production data.NOTE: The community has active development in this repository. [Greatly appreciate the support.] Monday.Client.v2 makes it simple to update your teams projects,

Utility: Click Once Selector

Utility + Click Once Selector This utility is useful for executables onlyTurn off the option Use ".deploy" file extension The following utility was created for projects that leverage click once for deployment of all necessary resources w/o fully utilizing the install aspect.  It leverages the publish directory and the naming

Slack Client

Slack Client + Slack API Slack.Client has no control over any development or changes that slack.com publishes / deploys. NOTE: Using this tool will operate on your production data. NOTE: Still in development, if you're looking for a fully pledged client turn here. Slack.Client makes it simple

Monday Client

Monday Client + Monday API Monday.Client has no control over any development or changes that monday.com publishes / deploys. NOTE: Using this tool will operate on your production data. NOTE: This has been depreciated as it is legacy and no longer maintained. Monday.Client makes it simple to

Tool: Saved Wireless Passwords

Tool + NETSH Wireless Passwords Review all WIFI Network credentials saved on your local machine *Known Bug: WIFI Networks w/o credentials don't always populate The following tool was created specifically for end users who have lost or forgot their WIFI Network password(s).  This tool is useful when

Tool: Purge Printer Queue & Jobs

Tool + Purge Printer Jobs Printer Status: Deleting... | Canceling... Unable to Clear or Delete Printer Jobs since it's corrupt... The following tool was created specifically for end users who have corrupt jobs stuck in their printer queue.  This will delete all jobs.  Make sure you print

Solution: Class Library Manifest – .NET Standard Reference – Click Once Deployment

DLL + .NET Standard + Click Once Unable to initialize the application (Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The System cannot find the file specified. Unable to install or run the application.  The application requires that the assembly System.Drawing.Primitives

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